Zippered Teddy Bear Pouch

Remember last post I showed you my Hello Kitty Pouches, well today I am sharing the tutorial on how to make them, but instead of a Hello Kitty, it is a teddy bear pouch, because, first I don’t want to see another one and second I respect Sanrio’s trademarking and that stuff. The Teddy Bear is my design so feel free to use it, if you do I would love to see it, you can now add your images to the new Flickr Group.

You will need:

  • Brown felt
  • Beige, black and white felt scraps
  • Embroidery floss in matching colors
  • A zipper
  • The pattern [ ZipperedTeddyBearPouch Pattern ]
  • An hour
Cut out all the pattern pieces.  For the face remember to cut out the zipper slit in only one of the pieces
Place the ears and eyes and move them around until you get a face you like.
Using embroidery floss back stitch them onto the face.  You could glue them on, but I prefer the hand sewing.
Pin the zipper underneath the face and pin them together.  Very carefully try pulling the zip open and closed to make sure that it is pinned correctly.
Sew all the way around it.  You can sew right through the zipper.
Trim off any extra length of zipper
Place the two face pieces wrong sides together and sew all around. ?
And voila! You have a new zippered teddy bear pouch that you can use as a pencil case, makeup case

4 responses to “Zippered Teddy Bear Pouch”

  1. Jacqui says:

    Cute tutorial!

  2. Pearlin J says:

    So cute! Thanks for the tute 🙂