Made it Monday: Washcloth


I’ve been having a serious case of craft block and feeling terribly uninspired, not to mention exhausted.  So I decided to focus of simple and quick projects.

This is the Leaf Lace Washcloth by Jan Eaton (one of my crochet heros), the yarn is Cinderella cotton and I used size 3 needles.

2 responses to “Made it Monday: Washcloth”

  1. Julie Andrea says:

    Wow, this makes me wish I could knit. Love the homemade washcloths, usually purchase them at the church bazaars or agricultural craft fairs. Sigh, I am a “hooker” from way back, always on the look-out for crochet washcloths. Beautiful work, thanks for sharing it with us.
    Julie Andrea

    • jessyz says:

      Knitting is difficult at first especially if you crochet, but with enough stubbornness it becomes much easier