It is Friday but I haven’t really finished anything, but …

… that doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything.  Part of the problem is finding a permanent place to sew.  As you can see my sewing machine ends up on the coffee table when I need to sew and I steal my 3 year old’s pink chair.  She could kill me if she saw me, but I only sew when she’s at nursery because the sewing machine is like a magnet for those little hands.

Instead of actually making stuff this week, I focused more on taking pictures of stuff and working on my photography skills.

Like our friend Monmon the Monkey. Monmon is a naughty monkey and tells Lu bedtime stories.

And I have also been trying to cook better and healthier meals.   The pepper mill is one of my favorite things in my kitchen.  I absolutely love freshly ground pepper.  It just tastes better and there is something so romantic about grinding that pepper.

But the hardest thing I’ve been working on is me.  I am my biggest WIP.  I don’t want to be a puppet controlled by other people or by imaginary constraints that aren’t even real. She (because my wooden dummy is a she) is also helping me practice my drawing skills. She is also a very good listener.

I am reading this book. The chapters are short, concise and to the point. It is also funny without trying too hard and it hits home really well. I panic easily and I can push myself into a drowning whirlpool of worry. Actually I can think up an infinite number of bad scenarios for any given situation in mere minutes and convince myself that the worst one is going to happen. Needless to say, that skill is one I would like to drop. I am also reading it because I need to start structuring my day better, as much as I love crafting, I love reading and my books have been feeling really lonely recently. So every night, I go to bed and read a few pages.

I really want to be a better person, a better mom, a better crafter, a more patient , calmer, happier and balanced person. And that needs practice and determination like everything else.

I would also like to become a better blogger because your comments and blogs inspire me to become even better.

Hugs and kisses


2 responses to “It is Friday but I haven’t really finished anything, but …”

  1. Pearlin J says:

    I like this post a lot because i can identify a lot with it. the no permanent place for my sewing machine thing, the lack of reading thing,and sweating the small stuff thing all ditto ditto :))

    • jessyz says:

      I am working on all of these things but it is take time and lots of patience 🙂