Friday’s FO: Kindle Fire Cozy

Kindle Fire Cozy

Just a little something to keep the Fire warm and safe :-). I am still not 100% satisfied with the results, so I think I need to make more. I need to make more anyways for my daughter’s Leap Pad. I didn’t add a button and used ties instead because for some crazy reason I think the button could get lots of pressure in my bag and totally kill my screen. Talk about strange ideas 🙂

What have you finished this Friday?

3 responses to “Friday’s FO: Kindle Fire Cozy”

  1. Nice! I like it. I still haven’t tried knitting an I-cord! This has reminded me that I should 🙂

  2. […] WIP: The Leappad sleeve Lulu was really jealous of the kindle fire sleeve.  The sleeve was for my sister’s kindle. Lulu being (almost) 4 was really upset that my […]