I have been wanting to try making meringues since forever. Yesterday, on a whim I whipped up a batch. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but they weren't as good as I wanted them to be either. 

I think I needed to bake them at a lower temperature. I will definitely be trying them again. I have very fond memories of my mother's baked Alaska. It was the most wonderful dessert ever. Soft white peaks of meringue streaked with dark brown, covering ice cold ice cream. I will make one soon.

I have also been reading. I finished the Fairyland seriesby Catherynne Valente, or at least the first three books which are available because I read somewhere that the series will eventually include a total of 5 book.
I am totally in love with the series, imagine Alice in wonderland, meets Narnia with a 12 year old girl as a protagonist, and more. The themes in the three books so far are perfect for little girls aged 10 to a 100.